Soumya Natarajan, research & digital engagement
Soumya has worked as a researcher and led research in performance ethnography and participatory action research in the US and Canada. Her background is in dance, writing, computer science, and the social sciences. She helps us with report design, web publishing, archiving content, and digital engagement.
Soumya has worked in counselling and feminist practice. She led Project Respect, a youth violence prevention program, at the Victoria Sexual Assault Centre. She has served university populations at the Anti.Violence.Project at the University of Victoria, and at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. She worked with students and staff to change campus culture around sexualized assault.
She has worked in varied roles fighting domestic violence at the county level from advocacy in the courtrooms to training crisis response volunteers, running support groups, and resourcing shelters across the state through her work at the North Carolina Coalition against Domestic Violence.
She has a degree in Mathematics and graduate degrees in Computer Applications and Social Work.
Soumya speaks Tamil fluently, is learning Python and writes creative non-fiction. She has been dancing Bharatnatyam since she was five.