We help people design & manage their brand

We provide design support to service companies and non-profit organizations. We work with people and organizations that are doing some pretty cool and important stuff. We’re a small organization – there’s just a few of us. But we want people to know that we think that design is a pretty big deal.

Visit our community hub where we aggregate article from the people and organizations that we work with.

We think part of the trick to being great designers, is to always be new to it

So we’re always learning. We love working with people. We think design is big. And we have fun. Assessing organizational needs and interests, facilitating focus groups, problem solving, strategizing, and developing designs – working collaboratively with people to produce effective visual solutions – these are the things we love doing with people. See our client list.

A hub in the middle, is drawn to show how it connects to the channels and communities around it.

Sherwin Arnott

Sherwin Arnott with glasses on.

Co-founder, lead designer.
More about Sherwin.

Rebecca Cory

Rebecca Cory, downtown Victoria, Lkwungen land.

Co-founder, researcher, facilitator.
More about Rebecca.

Bailey Woodley

Baylee Woodley stands on the sidewalk in VicWest, in front of Spiral Cafe.

Editor, researcher, facilitator.
More about Baylee

Ryan Cope

Ryan Cope profile photo in her kitchen with a light blue sweater and her red hair.

Facilitator, editor, web publishing. More about Ryan.